schemeserve insurance software

Health & Wellbeing Policy

Flexible working

  • All Employees have the legal right to request flexible working provided the Employee has at least 26 weeks’ continuous service with the company.
  • SchemeServe acknowledges the importance for Employees in achieving a balance between work and personal commitments, and gives all applications for flexible working due consideration.
  • SchemeServe is not legally obliged to grant flexible working and will not authorise flexible working if it deems the arrangement to be detrimental to the proper conduct of its delivery of services to clients, in accordance with the permitted statutory grounds for refusal.
  • Subject to any agreed trial period, any variation to contract granted as a result of a flexible working request is considered a permanent change to contract. Any further changes would need to be made in line with this policy.
  • The Employer shall consider the request and make a decision within 3 months or longer if agreed with the Employee. However, before making a formal request, the Employee should consider and discuss the practicalities with their immediate supervisor.

Health & Safety in the workplace

  • SchemeServe undertakes to observe all the duties imposed on him/her by common law and statute to protect and preserve the health and safety at work of the Employee.
  • The Employee undertakes all the duties imposed on him/her by common law and statute to preserve the health and safety of himself/herself and other persons at work.
  • The Employee undertakes to report to the Employer any safety hazard or any hazardous occurrence which comes to his/her notice in the course of his/her employment.
  • To co-operate with management by observing safety rules and complying with any measures designed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for the location in which the Employee is working.


(More details of the Health & Safety procedure can be found in the SchemeServe ‘Working From Home Risk Assessment’.)

Breaks & outside of work

  • We know how easy it is to get into a task and forget to eat. We encourage our employees to set a timer, or an alarm, to make sure they give themselves a good rest away from the screen.
  • We encourage SchemeServe employees to finish the workday on time.
  • We ask employees to separate work and home space, if possible. This will allow a mental separation from relaxation and work. 
  • We encourage staff to reduce their notifications on their phones outside of work, for example, on email and Slack.

Covid vaccine

  • Employees are given the option to take the day following their Covid-19 as paid sick leave should they feel unwell.

Staff community

  • We encourage all employees to attend our weekly ‘Elevenses’, a paid time for everyone to take a break and socialise. All shop-talk strictly banned. 
  • All staff are asked to attend our yearly Team Retreat, a time for staff to get to know each other better and relax.
  • Where possible, and where staff live close to one another, we encourage remote working together in remote working venues or similar environments. 
  • We encourage all teams to talk regularly, and at a similar time each day. This enables team members to ‘check in’ with each other, and boosts morale.

Mental health

Once every 3 months all team members will have a 121 with their Line Manager. This gives them the space to discuss their development, as well as any personal issues effecting their work they may need support with.

Book club

Employees are encouraged to develop their skills through use of the SchemeServe ‘book club’.  Should an employee wish to develop a particular skill in their role, they may request any books relating to that subject, and receive them in the post for free.

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