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How SchemeServe colleagues are helping out during the coronavirus pandemic

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. And, as the saying goes, you don’t have to wear a cape to be a hero in your community. This has especially been demonstrated by the people working in the National Health Service (NHS) who have tirelessly worked on the frontline to help the sick and keep the nation safe.

As our NHS workers sacrifice time with their loved millions have been forced into lockdown to reduce the chances of spreading the virus. But this has left many people living alone and vulnerable, especially when it comes to the elderly and the disabled.

It’s not possible for charities and governments to reach all sectors of society so there’s been a growing need for volunteers to fill the gaps and help those in need.

SchemeServe has long embraced a remote working culture – this frees our workforce up to be there for their children’s sports days and plays and also allows us to volunteer and help our communities.

Here we shine a spotlight on some of our colleagues doing their bit in a time where help is needed by so many people:

Colin Kippin, director of ADM Network and chief of the Wunderwriter team

I’m helping with prescription collections for our local village support team. I just wanted to help, and it was easy because I cycle a lot so I can do the deliveries at no cost at all. 

I’ve just started out and only done one day so far but I am really enjoying it so I will continue with it. There’s minimal risk in what I’m doing but to protect myself I keep my bike gloves on and carry some hand gel.

I’m just doing my bit – there are lots of helpers and a great support team here. I would encourage others to do this type of voluntary work because small villages need to work together.

Jana Kejvalova, senior Wunderwriter
I engaged with a front-line worker from the Northwick Park Hospital in London who asked me for assistance to source radios for end life patients who even under normal circumstances have nothing to distract them from their situation.

I engaged with the local community through established networks to source any unwanted radios or donations to purchase new which has been very successful.

It gives the local people a sense of being able to do something for someone else, helps the whole recycling effort. So rather than throwing the radios away, they can pass them on for further use. In the process, I met a lot of people in Ealing and Hanwell, which I wouldn’t have otherwise.

So far, I’ve spent a few days as a volunteer on this and sourced about 50 radios. It makes me feel useful during the lockdown period. I would highly recommend doing this type of voluntary work.

James Mickley, Wunderwriter

I have registered with the ‘Good Sam Responder’ App. It enables vulnerable people to ask volunteers like myself to do some shopping or collect prescriptions or just have a general chat during lockdown.

I have done lots of different volunteering in the past and when I heard the government announcement, I felt this is something I can help with. 

SchemeServe has been great and given me time off to help in the community. Otherwise, I log on at weekends and evenings.

I’ve ensured my safety and those of others by downloading a couple of packs with information on around being able to complete these tasks without PPE just by social distancing. It is nice to get out and feel like you are helping others. 

I would absolutely encourage others to do this type of voluntary work. If people don’t feel comfortable doing this, they should find something that works for them. Every little action can have a massive impact on someone’s life.