schemeserve insurance software
schemeserve customer support insurance software

Make onboarding meaningful; 5 ways to add the human touch.

There’s something to be said for the last 2 years in that, despite wrestling with internet connections, microphones being on mute, and Amazon deliveries interrupting calls, we’ve all got to know each other a little bit better.

We are all now attuned (whether we like it or not) with our colleagues style of household furnishings, their favourite mugs, hobbies and brands of active wear. In 2019, that colleague you barely spoke to was just another shirt, and now you’re asking how his Napoleonic War Re-enactment went last weekend.

That remote world which initially felt cold and disconnected, has in many ways brought us closer… for better or for worse!

As we acclimatise to the new normal and reinvent the remote customer journey it’s important to hold onto this new sense of ‘personal’, and maintain empathy whilst generating a more customer centric experience. 

Never is this more important than with onboarding. Onboarding is the time to give clear expectations yes, but also implement a powerful level of engagement. In many cases, amongst brokers and MGAs alike, the customer journey will be entirely digital so in what ways can we inject connection, instil warmth, and create meaningful touch points with our new customers?

1. Customise the experience (it’s so much more than plopping their name onto an email)!

People love to be asked questions about themselves. What research are you putting into your new customers? Do you know their specific pain points? What discounts or offers they’d find beneficial? We’re all looking to be understood, if you’re able to help your customer feel listened to, understood and empathised with, you’re well on your way to instilling some top-quality meaning. What goal are you helping them achieve? Find it, do it, and they’ll love you forever.

2. Offer a video consultation, explaining what happens next.

Make the first connection with your brand personable, yes, that means on the phone or Zoom. Have personal objects in the background, inject talking points into your scenery (many at SchemeServe have top hats, musical instruments or children’s artwork)! Faces and real people work wonders for helping customers feel part of a community.

Talk them through the onboarding process, and let them know when they should expect results from you.

3. Assign Account Manager, and check-ins.

Either in the consultation, or shortly after, let your new customer know who to go to for support. Introduce them in a call, or in a pre-recorded video, so that the customer knows what they look like, sound like, and how they can get hold of them.

Arrange regular check-ins, so they feel you’re on the ball, and they’re safe in your hands.

4. Video Help Guides.

Text is boring, and more often than not the customer will come away more confused or tired than when they arrived. Make your tutorials or help guides videos, preferably with the person conducting the tutorial and their screen in shot. 

5. Make support easy, accessible and HUMAN.

Whether it’s their Account Manager, or a more complex support need, your customer needs to access help quickly and easily – especially when they’re new and finding the process difficult. If it’s a phone number, make sure there are no automated voices, long delays or hold music!

Good support is direct support.

  • They phone a number, and someone who can solve the problem picks up.
  • They start a live chat, and someone who knows the answer (not a bot) is on the other side.

Automation has its place, but more often that not it damages relationships, hinders brand reputation, and destroys customer retention. 

These are 5 simple ways to create meaningful relationships with your customers, as they find their feet with your product or service.

Remember, people are everything and genuine relationships are gold.

At SchemeServe, we check in regularly with our customers, and almost always on the phone or Zoom. Our support is available directly, that means no waiting around, no hold music and no automated voices – we enjoy getting to know our customers and we think great support means helping to solve a problem human to human. Interested in hearing more about how we support our clients in person? Get in touch; 0208 0880 671