schemeserve insurance software

History in the making! Meet our new data protection officer – James Dix

You’re the new data protection officer – tell us what you do:

Basically, it’s my job to ensure that SchemeServe processes all the data we handle correctly and that we comply with all the many and varied General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the rules around that.

I’m also the support manager for the Wunderwriting team and will continue to do that in addition to the new data protection role. I was appointed to the role as I’ve got previous data protection experience.

How long have you been working at SchemeServe and what do you like about your new role?

I’ve been working for SchemeServe since March this year, but I’ve been working with SchemeServe for the last three and a half years. So, I’ve worked with a lot of people from SchemeServe for quite a long time.

I quite enjoy the compliance side of things. I’m quite a logical person so it suits me quite well. It’s nice to go through it all and see how existing processes can be improved.

It’s important because we need our processes to be as robust as possible. Given the nature of the data that we process and the volume of data we have from our clients, we need to continuously review, improve, and update. We do this so we can keep up to date with software and technology out there that could be used for hacking. It’s a real threat to anybody.

Why do you like working at SchemeServe?

It’s mainly the team. I’ve worked with the people for a long time and I have a good relationship with them. It’s only when I joined full-time that I realised just how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I feel it’s a good fit for me personally.

What do you do outside of SchemeServe to relax?  

I run a historical re-enactment society. I’ve been doing that for a long time – since 2003. It’s a hobby.

That’s really interesting. Why do you do it?

It’s very educational. I get to recreate the past. I get to go around the country and the world doing displays. I went to South Africa in 2019, for example, for the 140th anniversary of the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879.

We’re probably going again in a few years for the 145th anniversary – Covid19 permitting. For now, all our events for this year have been cancelled.

I’ve also recently co-founded the Victorian Association, which is an amalgamation of key Victorian groups that are now working under one banner.

Outside of that, I do tabletop war-gaming (model soldiers, etc.), genealogy (family history) research and I’m also a tailor. I make historical military uniforms in my spare time. It keeps me busy.

The uniforms, like the one in my picture, are not something you can buy off the shelf – they haven’t been made for 150 years. So, I had to learn it all through necessity!

In general, 2020 has been a challenging year. Do you have any words of wisdom to share?  

I think if you’re working from home, don’t get stuck in the house. It’s easy to get into a loop of getting up, working, and getting up and working, and the next thing you know you haven’t left the house for seven days.

Get into a habit of going for a run in the evening or going for a walk. Try and make sure you get out and see people occasionally – it’s good for your mental health.

SchemeServe has also made the following hires:

Sean Neal – chief commercial officer

Jessica Hill – quality assurance test engineer